I had to share what we saw at the
Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. We are all Star Wars fans in this family, me included. Mom heard about their special exhibit of "Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination" and thought we ought to take the kids. Since we were visiting with them for the 4th, we went the next day to Fort Worth (an hour's drive or so). I am so glad Mom and Dad treated us to the museum. We had to have tickets with specific times for both the SW exhibit and the IMAX movie.
This first picture is my Mom and B checking out some non-Star Wars displays. They are renovating the buildings, so they didn't have their
whole collection out.
This one of my dad and J is in front of the Land Speeder. I should have taken another picture to show the landspeeder better.
J is using a fancy headset device that told about the different exhibits.
Here are some images of the things I liked best. These are the real costumes from the movie! It made me a little star struck.
This isn't Chewbacca, but two of the Wookies from Episode 3.
Yoda and the Jedi training ball.
They had a sort of hovercraft that anyone could try out. It used a big blower on the back to move from side to side. That big blower was exactly like the ones that blew out house dry in May.
The kids had fun, mostly going in circles!
The next one is of the Millennium Falcon, a model they used for shooting scenes. It was about 5 feet across.
C3-PO, of course. I had a hard time getting some of the shots because of the crowds. It was SO crowded, this day after a holiday.
The 3 parts of Darth Vader's' mask. One of the most anticipated moments in my Star Wars life was watching that mask come upon Annakin Skywalker in Episode 3, making him be Darth Vader like I grew up with in the later episodes. It had to happen, but I was sad anyway. All through that movie, I tried to will Annakin to make a slightly different choice so he wouldn't end up as Darth Vader, basically killing Padme and leaving his children as orphans.
This last one is B and J and Mom. At the end of the exhibit, there were many hands-on stations. In one, you could build yourself a robot with available parts and make him move along a path. (It was too crowded and we were too hungry to wait for that busy station!) In this one, you could find the center of gravity for your little creation.
As we came out of the SW exhibit, they had a little show about what our real life robots can do. It was pretty interesting, but we were really hungry!
After this we went out of the museum and ate some Whataburgers. The cafe in the museum was super crowded, so we left. It was raining all this day so all this walking back and forth from buildings to cars was getting me all wet. We had 5 people and two umbrellas. Not a good plan!
The afternoon was our IMAX experience, and it was fun to be off our feet and watching a show about special effects in movies. After that I drove myself and the kids back to Bryan, stopping off to see Larry's Dad for a few minutes.
Labels: family