slice of my life

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt 6-25-11

This week's photo hunt challenge is Card(s). I had to go back and really search for some cards! These are from my birthday back in 2007.

Looks like Bess made a card for me and Jamie went for the funny Peanuts card.

I had to go snap a new picture, too----cards of all kinds from my purse and wallet. I Have a lot of cards right now since I have been saving some of them to use in the summer! One of the special days we had at school during the Teacher Appreciation Week was a gift card day, and a few students brought those. A few of the cards there are kinda old and I should go check their balances to see if they're good. My first aid card is there. Jamie got CPR certified this spring at school. A couple of those cards are for discounts at those stores. That can save you some money. I love it when we get free food cards at sporting events or whatever.

I am not sure about next week's theme, but if you want to join in this week, go over to Photo Hunter's at TNChick's website.



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