slice of my life

Friday, January 11, 2008


Okay, here it is! As you can see it's still pulled out in the kitchen, with its insulation all around the top and sides. I went with white, since my cabinets are white and I like them white. When we moved in, we bought a white refrigerator. I know it's not the "in" thing to get white appliances, but I didn't really want black in this kitchen, and the stainless steel was another $50. This machine replaces a dishwasher of unknown age. It was black, but it had push buttons on it, like big square buttons like the ones on my parents' 1988? dishwasher, way back when. I think this one has a lot of cool features, including a "sanitize" feature.

Now about getting it actually installed . . . Larry thought after disconnecting the old one that he could just install the new one this morning, but after realizing we would have to wire on the electrical plug, maybe not! Why can you plug in a refrigerator or microwave, but a dishwasher has a plug you have to wire onto it? All the ones we were looking at were this way!

Anyway, it's still a happy day, but it'll be really great when I am using it! :-)



  • Hi Jenny. Thanks for sharing these memorable photos. Lovely photo of you with your sister. Nice of you to share a photo during your honeymoon. Happy days are always worth remembering.

    By Blogger Heart of Rachel, at Saturday, January 12, 2008 7:26:00 PM  

  • Hope you got that dishwasher going. I used to wire plugs on the end of appliances all the time. It's not all that tricky. When I moved from Aus to UK I cut all the plugs off my Aus appliances and attached new UK ones...same coming back this way! :-D

    By Blogger Arizaphale, at Wednesday, January 23, 2008 5:25:00 AM  

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