slice of my life

Friday, September 15, 2006

Here I am being Vanna White with the microwave. Silly, I know. Can you see why white might have been better? And maybe I should have taken this picture when I had some makeup on.

I am watching the movie of Jane Eyre while I am writing. It's about to be the climax of the movie! So many things have been left out, but it's pretty good anyway. So much of the book was inside Jane's head, I wondered how it would all be on the screen.

I am getting ever more weary with the dogs. Angel, the new acquisition, has dug out again this morning. I know why, because Larry and I were both up at 2:45 until 4:00 this morning, trying to settle them down. Larry went outside and investigated, and saw an armadillo in the front yard. This is why Angel dug out this morning when I let them out. Can't they just be at peace with the nature around them? Must they wrestle in the middle of the night with each other? Do they have to not only protect the yard, and keep other animals out, but also go and catch the animal that wants to come in? I say no, but they are dogs. They have their own agendas.

This picture is when Larry was fixing the fence in the rain (three days ago). He's back there---behind the back fence. B was just wanting to stand in the rain and goof around (and with no lightning in the area, I said, why not). She was willing to hand him tools over the fence, and I could stay under the deck covering and be dry. I picked this picture because you can see our new fence wood there on the right---this is where they got into the neighbor's yard last week. Ug! Those fence slats were rotten enough that Angel broke them. Ug!


  • I like the black. It makes it standout.
    I also like your hair! I used the picture for my background.
    Hope the dogs will start behaving.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, September 15, 2006 7:02:00 PM  

  • It was a shock to see you without glasses! I think you look younger with the contacs! Who am I to talk at 57? You look good. I like the black microwave, too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, September 15, 2006 11:15:00 PM  

  • dogs are so annoying. i feel for you.
    hey a microwave is a microwave.i like the black just fine. donĀ“t they have martha stewart microwave paint that you could use to make it dusty olive or savory tangerine? ha! no, silly, martha stewart makes microwave duvets.

    and...all i notice in the picture is that the head tilt is becoming more subtle! ha!

    i like that b is playing in the rain!

    By Blogger janet, at Monday, September 18, 2006 12:55:00 PM  

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