slice of my life

Monday, March 16, 2009

Various thoughts

At 4:16p.m. Saturday, I was in the kitchen, getting a pot of beans ready for dinner.

At 4:16 Sunday I was in the Tabitha Class room and working with Bess on the LTC scrapbook.

Monday, I should be in San Antonio. We aren't gone yet, but will be soon.

I just spent $200 on Sea World tickets. It's crazy how expensive it is to go! I think I got the best deal. It was the best I could find, anyway! HEB sells them for $50 apiece in the store, but I got an online-only special for $46 each. That is the child price---and both my kids have to get the adult ticket as of this year! 10 and up for adults!

Have a great week!



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