slice of my life

Monday, June 18, 2007

Best Shot Monday----Girls

This was my favorite shot of the week. What I like about it is that although they were back lit, I used a flash to make their faces show up better. And knowing these girls, I can see these are genuine smiles---not forced looking! They will only be eight once, and this captures their little 8-year-old faces really well.

My daughter is in the middle, and these girls are from her softball team. They were at the Closing Ceremonies for the season, but are on the All-Star team, so they will play until they are eliminated this week. This is the first year they've done the all-stars for her age group, and it's a very last minute tournament. They are proud to be wearing their new all-star hats, and they'll get their t-shirts tonight.

See others' Best Shots on Picture This!



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