slice of my life

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

This is me in 1974!

This is my birthday Eve. I always feel guilty for mentioning it, but my birthday is a fun day for me---hopefully! ;-) I guess I want you to celebrate along with me.

Taxes are done---last night, it's all my fault!----so the hope of the return is out there in front of me. And with the economic stimulus package "rebate" or whatever it is---it'll be a good May, I think. Maybe enough to start in on the air conditioner.

This is me in 1976. And this is my traditional rabbit cake. And the haircut I didn't like.

I'm registering B for Girl Scout day camp, mailing off another prescription, paperwork for transcripts from UNT and Texas A&M---lots of paperwork this week.

The transcripts, you ask? What's up with that? I may be making a big move for myself soon. I'm afraid to step out, but I think it's time. Past time, prehaps. I just need someone to say---DO THIS. IT'LL WORK OUT BEST. But no one can know exactly the best option. I'm praying for the right doors to open.

J's Cake I made----2002.

So Happy Birthday to me! I'm turning an age that's a prime number---in my opinion, a bad thing. But Let's make it a better year than the last!



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