slice of my life

Monday, October 09, 2006

Enter a contest!

I just came across a contest where you or I can win an Usborne book of Halloween ideas. I love Usborne books in general, and with J's birthday so close to Halloween, I am always having fun with Halloween stuff. If you go here you'll be connected to a blog called "A Readable Feast" which I am finding has some great ideas. Must read more!

Today is a holiday for students where we live, so the kids are already up (no surprise), and we are thinking of all the fun things we could do today. On mommy's list:
  • change everyone's sheets
  • do a few loads of laundry (because apparently I *never* wash clothes and the kids think that none of their clothes are clean. Actually, it's the one or two favored shirts that can't get clean often enough!)
  • write out a bunch of bills and catch up the bank register
  • vacuum
  • finish my Brown Bear Brown Bear What do You See? class book. This one is the "fun" I am having for the day. :-)


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